Advantages & Disadvantages of Installing an Electric Boiler

Installing an Electric Boiler
Installing an Electric Boiler

Before a boiler purchase, households mostly prefer to check out the various options in the market. As boilers do come in various shapes, sizes, and brands, what fuel it is using is something you should also consider.No doubt, in the UK, gas is considered the main source of fuel for most boilers. However, still there are trends now among people to move towards opting for electric boilers.

But how good an option that can be for you?

Before you make the choice,let’s talk about its advantages and disadvantages:

Works Silently: Unlike gas boilers, electric boilers have fewer moving parts, required to generate heat. Therefore, these boilers work almost silently and turn good to be installed anywhere. Even getting it placed somewhere in your bedroom will not disturb your night’s sleep.

No Need for Gas Supply: If your home does not have a gas line set up, you can consider electric boilers as a good alternative, apart from LPG boilers. Thus it can be the right choice for off-grid properties and for houses with no mains gas supply.

More Compact: Majority of the Uk homes find it hard to get spare space for their hardworking boiler. Electric boilers can be good for them, as it requires less space with hardly any pipeworks involved. Even no chimney or flue pipe is required,as combustion of fuel does not occur here.

High Efficiency: A most important factor that can make an electric boiler to be a better option, is its efficiency level. Whereas, even a highly efficient gas boiler can have an efficiency level of around 93%, for an electric boiler it can go up to even 100%. This is because no fuel is wasted during the process of heat generation from electric power. However, that’s not the thing that happens with your gas boilers.

A Safer Choice: Electric boilers never involve the combustion of any gas fuel. So there is no possibility of carbon monoxide gas emissions or any dangerous fire explosions. That way, it can be considered to be a far safer option than gas boilers.

More Eco-friendly Choice: Unlike gas boilers, electric boilers mostly burn renewable energy. So they don’t give out any greenhouse gases like nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. that can harm the environment. That definitely makes it an environment-friendly choice.

But if you are getting the electricity generated, using nonrenewable energy resources like fossil fuels, it is also something that’s polluting the environment.

Now, if you look into these advantages of electric boilers, we can just take them to be the best alternative in today’s world. But why is it that, they are not the most popular? Of course, they have certain drawbacks which put them behind.

Expensive Fuel: Though electric boilers are efficient, electricity as a fuel is 3 to 4 times more expensive than gas. So, if you are in the idea to switch to an electric boiler, you also need to keep in mind the electricity cost.

Not Good for Big Families: Electric boilers provide hot water supply on demand. So if you have more than one person using the boiler’s hot water at a time, then it is not the right choice for you. Such boilers will not be able to provide hot water to those multiple users with the right pressure and right temperature.

PowerCuts: When it’s about electricity, you need to be aware of power cuts. If you are in an area where electricity can go off anytime, such boilers are not the right ones for you. You will be left with no heating and hot water supply.

So, taking all these things into consideration, you need to see whether electric boilers can be the right option for you or not. All that depends on your needs or preferences. So in a scenario, where your need is quite minimal which an electric boiler can accommodate, it can be something you can go for. Moreover, it can be considered a greener alternative as long as it is running on renewable energy resources. Anyways, if you are looking for any electric or gas boiler installation, you can contact Golden Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Things you should know before installing a smart thermostat?

Things you sshould know before installing a smart thermostat
Things you sshould know before installing a smart thermostat

With modern technology, inventing the best possible ways to make things more energy efficient, it’s not just the boiler that’s getting upgraded. Other appliances like thermostats also play a vital role, here.

This device that controls the temperature of the room has also been technically upgraded to serve us better, while also helping in reducing fuel costs and carbon emissions.

 Unlike manual or programmable thermostats, you can control the temperature settings of these smart thermostats remotely, or just by using the screen when you have it near. By the way, its new versions are coming up with more features and benefits.

So, as a homeowner, if you are planning to install a smart thermostat, that’s of course going to give you a great return. However, there are a few things, that you should be completely aware of before you get one fit in.

 Proper WiFI Connection: As smart thermostats are all Wi-Fi-enabled systems, a stable Wi-Fi network is much required if you think of switching to a smart thermostat. So installing a thermostat is not just you getting it on your premises, you are also setting it on your mobile, tablet, and computer.
Now, it’s your internet, that can connect your thermostat and the smartphone, letting you control your room temperature settings remotely.

System Compatibility to the Thermostat: While getting a new thermostat, you need to be sure of whether the device is compatible with your current heating and cooling system. Most kinds of boilers, including combi boilers, heat-only boilers, and condensing boilers go well with a smart thermostat. But still, it is most recommended to cross-check it with the manufacturer, before going for the purchase.

Thermostat Compatibility to the Smartphone: Being a homeowner, you can only control the thermostat temperature using smartphone apps. But not all phones can have those smart apps working on them. For that, you need to have an Android or Ios brand mobile.

Updated Thermostat Features: In this today’s world, smart thermostats are not just limited to, providing the convenience of remote control. Technological advancements have gone further, helping people get a better living. Even, nowadays, you can have smart thermostat, having that sensor to understand human behavior. So without any manual programming, this device can function by studying the past records of when the people in the family wake up, move out, come in, and go to sleep. Provided you have almost a fixed time schedule, it can be of great benefit, as the room temperature will be adjusted accordingly.

Adjust temperature As Per the Smart Phone Location: With the help of GPS technology in smartphones, your thermostat can adjust the temperature of the room. It creates an imaginary boundary line, also known as geofencing, which determines whether you are moving in or out of the house, and as per that it can turn your heating system on and off.

Hire a Professional: Installation of a smart thermostat, at times turns out to be a bit more complicated task. Mostly if you are in an old house, you might not be having the C-wires, which is much needed for their installation purpose. Of course, that’s not what you need for a manual or programmable thermostat. Moreover, most homeowners find it a challenge to get the right, compatible smart thermostat for their homes. Hiring a professional is thus much recommended when you think of installing a smart thermostat. Golden Plumbing & Heating Ltd. has got experienced professionals, who are trained with the knowledge to help you with the right purchase and the installation process.

How to make your boiler last longer?

Gas Engineers in East London and Essex
Gas Engineers in East London and Essex

How to make your boiler last longer?

Turning on the boilers helps you with heating and hot water, when required, especially during the winter months. But when its the time to pay a hefty amount for a new boiler purchase, nobody really likes it.

However, as it's for any other appliances, boilers also don't last forever. The average life expectancy of a boiler can be around 15-20 years. At times, that can also go down to even 8 to 9 years.

It all depends on the kind of usage and maintenance it had received throughout its life. And what after that? It's that huge expense and hassle, waiting for you to get the new one installed.

You can be one of the lucky ones if your boiler survives effectively for a long. However, if you want to increase the life span of your boiler, here are certain tips that need to be followed. which have been shared below:

1. Service Your Boiler Every Year:

To know whether your boiler is all fine or not, you need to get it inspected by a qualified and certified gas engineer. Minor issues can occur anytime, and they can lead to a major one if left unchecked for a long. Servicing your boiler by a gas-safe registered engineer at least once a year can help you find out any such defects in your boiler, small or big. And once those issues are clarified,it can prevent future breakdowns. Even to get the benefits of your boiler warranty, you should get your boiler serviced by a gas-safe registered engineer. So annual boiler servicing is always recommended to maintain your boiler in good health and thereby increases its life expectancy.

2. Do not Idle Your Boiler in Summertime:

Though not for long, summertime in the UK lasts for four to five months. And that's the time you don't need heating. Now if you are giving your boilers a break, you are also reducing your fuel bills. But at the same time, this long-term dormancy can bring a lot of problems where the metals in the boiler can seize with also dirt and dust accumulating on its parts, thereby affecting its efficiency and longevity. So it's wise to get your boiler working at least for a few minutes every month during the summer. Doing this will make your boiler parts move smoothly, and you don't have to face a hard time while turning it on in autumn.

3. Insulate the Pipes:

To get your boilers to work effectively with no early breakdowns, insulating the pipes is one of the crucial steps. But it's not that complicated,where you need to call a professional. All you have to do is to purchase the lagging from a DIY store and get your pipes insulated by following any video tutorial. And this negligible expense will give you a return in many ways. As it will prevent any sudden boiler failures,it will also help you get reasonable heating bills and also increase the average life expectancy of your boiler.

4. Install a Magnetic Filter to your Boiler:

Sludge buildup in the boiler system is one of its biggest issues, causing cold radiators, strange boiler noises, and even boiler leakages. With time, as water flows through the boiler, rust from the inside pipes forms this sludge. Now if it gets ignored for a long, it can even lead to premature boiler breakdown. So as a very good precautionary measure, you can better install a magnetic filter on the returning pipework of your heating system. It will stop the sludge deposits from entering the boiler, making it more functional and also increasing its life span.

5. Add an Inhibitor to your heating system:

Water in your boiler system has got dissolved impurities in it. And, for sure, its' something that can harm your appliance, reducing its efficiency and longevity in long term. Adding an inhibitor to your boiler can be a wonderful idea to reduce the corrosion and limescale formation in the system. This chemical solution once added to your heating system will prevent the metal components in it to react with water and produce unwanted deposits, thereby making your boiler work efficiently for a long. Now, as it's for installing a filter. this is also something, you need the help of a heating engineer to do for you.

6. Bleed your Radiators:

For any reason or other, air can get inside your heating system. Mostly, if not excelled out, this air will find its way up into the radiators. And that will make your radiators cold at the top and hot at the bottom.Bleeding your radiators can get your boilers to work more effectively and prevent any such bigger issues for it in the coming future. It is a simple task which you can very well do by yourself.You just need to get a radiator key, then turn the bleed point of the radiator and wait till water spills out from it.

7. Power Flush your Central heating:

In a scenario, where you are using a heating system, that is inefficiently operating because of sludge, power flushing works the best. Mostly, its' best suggested for old boilers working in hard water areas for a long. And moreover, if you haven't taken the necessary measures to keep your heating system sludge-free, this is the right option for you. In this process, the power flushing machine gets attached to the system, where it flushes out the stubborn sludge in it, with the help of its high-pressure water and its strong cleansing agent. This way,you get your heating system thoroughly cleaned, and make it survive good for a long.

8. Keep the Surrounding Clean:

As for fire,it requires air to burn, it's the same as what works for your boiler. Now, keeping too many things around will not let the boiler get enough air to burn, give less efficient service and be more prone to breakdowns.

Applying these tips will hopefully help you enjoy an effectively working boiler for a long. But don't try to carry on with your boiler too long, if your system needs frequent repairs.Even if you find your boiler making strange noises,or having leakages everywhere,that can be a sign that you need to change your boiler. An experienced gas-safe registered engineer can be the best one to guide you, whether you will go for boiler repair or a new boiler installation. However, if you are looking for such assistance,please feel free to give us a call and hire a certified gas engineer in Essex.

Reasons for Having High Heating Bills & Ways To Reduce it

Reasons for Having High Heating Bills & Ways To Reduce it

When it's cold, your heating needs to work hard. And for that you burn more fuel.

That makes quite a good reason why you start seeing high figures on your heating bill when it comes to the end of the year.But do take care whether your bills are not going just way too dear and also if your home is getting that amount of warmth or not.

In case, if that's the scenario with you, just check if you have any one or more of the issues mentioned below:

Unmaintained Boiler:

If you have your boiler poorly maintained, that can also be one of the reasons why your heating bills are going high. Boiler servicing by gas safe registered engineer, at least in an interval of 1 year, is necessary to check whether all the boiler parts are working well. Otherwise, those issues can give the boilers a tough time heating up, eventually increasing your fuel cost

Old Boiler:

Even if you have your boiler well maintained and checked by a certified and experienced gas engineer, that does not mean that your boiler is working with the maximum energy efficiency. Modern technology boilers are far more efficient than old boilers. So getting a new boiler can help you reduce your heating bill expenses, and also turn out to be more eco-friendly.

Gas escaping out:

If its' for the leakage or for any other reason, gas can move out of the system. This gas is usually the unused fuel that moves out in the air. Eventually, that adds up to your heating cost but brings you no benefit. Such leakages turn out to be quite fatal and more if it occurs in an enclosed area with less oxygen supply.

Inaccurate Readings in the Thermostat:

As for any other appliance in your home, your thermostat can also go wrong. And when it's your thermostat that goes wrong, it can definitely affect your heating bills and also your comfort. Your boiler will work as per the thermostat reading. And if it shows low temperature reading, even when it's not, it can make your boilers work more, increasing your heating bills even higher.

Unwanted Mineral deposits in the system:

Water is used in boilers as the medium of heat transmission, and the air is used as such in furnaces. Though water is taken to be a good conductor of heat,it has the drawback of carrying several minerals and dirt with it. These unwanted materials form a layer on the various internal surfaces of the boiler.At times,it also forms thick, stubborn deposits on its various parts, making the job of your heating system go more difficult and eat more energy.

Contaminated Fuel Oil:

If there's water in your fuel, the fuel will first make the attempt to burn the water in it. Therefore, a major portion of that fuel will be consumed for burning that water . This can be taken as an unnecessary waste of energy, which will increase your fuel bills.

Ineffective Insulation:

Even if you heat up your house, that heat might get escaped out of your house due to improper insulation. An old or poorly insulated house can have cracked doors and windows. damaged walls, letting the air move in and out. This makes the warm air move out and the cold air get in. And this cold room temperature compels the heating system to work more, also making your heating bill soar up much higher.

Not Enough Space for the Boiler to Breathe:

If you have big furniture like coaches, beds, shelves, etc. placed in front of your boiler, that will inevitably block the flow of air to and from your heating appliance. That way, the boiler will have a hard time in functioning, thereby increasing your expenses on the heating bill.

As fuel cost is rising high day by day, any such wastage of fuel should not be ignored at all. Just taking some precautionary measures beforehand can help you get good savings on your fuel bills and can also make your winter warm and comfortable.So first check on these three things:

1. Living Habits:

Winter is the time, you need to take out your woolen clothes and blankets for use. Now if you want to be in your summer dresses at your home during this time, you need your heating to work more. So if it is cold, it's wiser to make the best use of your winter clothing and other such stuff,where you also set the thermostat normally at a temperature,so that you can get your boiler to work just moderately. Another thing you can do to get your house is to do more cooking at home,rather than dinning out.The heat from the oven can also warm your house to some extent.

2. Home Insulation:

If you want your home properly warm in winter, that really matters how well insulated your place is. While you pay your high heating bills, you need to take care that heat is also retained in your home for your comfort. If that warm air is sipping out of your house and the cold air is taking its place, it's just a waste of energy. A wet or poorly insulated house with damaged walls, windows, and attic can be the reason. Better get your home properly insulated before the winter knocks in.To prevent heat loss from your wi'ndows,you can better put a thin clear plastic film against the window frames.A layer of caulk or weather stripping around the windows also does good for your home insulation. But at the same time,don't let your home miss out the daytime heat of the sun.Its the warmth you can get from the nature with no cost.

3. Your Heating Appliance:

Last but not the least, your heating appliance can be the real season for which your home is loosing out its precious heat. As your boiler grows older, its energy efficiency also decreases with time. So,getting your boiler upgraded to a high efficiency modern boiler can be a best solution for reducing your power cost

But first,you need to check the condition of your boiler.Irrespective of what age your boiler is,if you find signs of corrosion in it,that needs to be fixed.In worst scenario,you might need to go for a total boiler replacement.

Anyways, if you are facing such issues of high fuel bills now,hire a registered gas engineer in Essex to inspect your heating system and get it ready for these winter months.

Why hire a Gas Safe Registered Engineer?

When you have your boiler not working right, you are mostly in a rush to get it repaired or replaced. But don't just get anyone to do it for you.

It's only a gas safe registered engineer who is legally permitted for that. Be it any gas appliance installation, repairing, or servicing, they have got the required qualification and expertise to perform the job safely and flawlessly.

But before we speak about the qualities of a gas-safe registered engineer, better we know what a "gas-safe register" is.

What is a gas safe register?

The Gas Safe Register is the only official online website in the UK, where you can get the list of all qualified professionals who are licensed to work on any gas or gas-related appliances. If a gas engineer wants to be on that list, he needs to qualify through intensive training and assessments which can make them fit to perform that job flawlessly. This site also has got a strict set of guidelines that the registered gas engineer should follow to prevent any unsafe gas works.

Moreover, this "gas safe register" has actually replaced CORGI (Council for Registered Gas Installers) in 2009 to provide more competent gas engineers. As it is regularly updated every 12 months,it provides the most recent record which will assure the viewers, that they are getting the right information about a legally authorized gas engineer to work on their gas appliances.

As we know now what a gas safe register is, we can bit make out why it is important to hire a gas safe registered engineer.So let's discuss in detail:

Guarantees Safety:

Dealing with gas appliances requires that skill and adequate training. If you are hiring someone not properly trained and certified,you are taking a big risk. These engineers might not be aware of what they are doing and that can lead to certain errors in those gas appliances. Poisonous CO gas emissions and other serious hazards like fires and explosions can also come along the way, causing public health issues, damages, and even deaths. However, while you are getting it done by a gas safe registered engineer, you know it's the professional who is completely well versed with this job, and that you can just trust.

Gives you Quality Service:

Apart from safety, quality is also another important reason to hire a Gas Safe registered engineer. To be in the gas safe register site, the gas engineers need to pass through several trainings and assessments. They are therefore made fully pro to work on any gas appliances promptly and safely.

Provides Good Customer Satisfaction:

Customer Satisfaction is main motto this site looks for. Though it registers only those gas engineers who are that well qualified and trained to do their job effectively,it also keeps a record of comments, reviews and complaints coming from the customers. So if in case there's a difficulty you face after the job,it can be reported on the site so that it can soon be taken care of by the same or a different gas engineer.

Helps you with Insurance Coverage:

Gas appliances can cause serious issues if you are using an unqualified professional to deal with. Improper installation and maintenance can get you into the problem of fatal CO emissions,and even fire explosions.So any such damage for any of your heating appliances or your property will not be covered under insurance.However,while you are using a Gas Safe registered engineer who is legally eligible,you can get the full benefit of insurance coverage.

Can handle Complex Jobs:

Be it any routine maintenance,simple repairing or any installation ,when its' with your gas appliances ,its' never a cakewalk.It might seem to you that things are that easy and can just be handled by taking simple D-I-Y steps.But actually,its' a terrible idea which you should never try out.A Gas Safe registered engineer is the one with the required knowledge and training to work on such gas appliances.

Can get an Updated Record of their Knowledge:

Gas Safe registered engineers are reassessed every 5 years, but the gas safe register website gets updated every year.So you can have got the best know how of what services the particular gas engineer can provide ,before you hire him for the service.

A professional needs to qualify for the ACS, NVQ, or SVQ qualifications to be in the gas safe register.

So don't just let anyone in,to work on your gas appliances. If you have got the name of a gas engineer through any other source, its' better to first check if it is also in the Gas Safe register site. However, in case you can not go to the site for some reason, always do ask the professional for the license number or the company registration number. You can also verify it by texting gas to 85080 along with that number.

Or better you can contact Golden Plumbing & Heating Ltd., where you can get the most eligible and experienced gas-safe registered engineers in Essex to provide you with the utmost effective and safe gas services.